Sunday, 27 September 2015

My 3 targets that I want to develop


When doing plank you should always be in line otherwise you are not doing the hold properly.

This is bad alignment in plank:

 This is good alignment in plank:

We use alignment in Laura's lesson when we are doing a side stretch in the first warm up we do.

Weekly I will improve this by doing warm ups and stretches that use alignment and make sure my arms and body are in line to create the dance step.


In a plié you should always have good posture because it effects the way your turnout is and how good your plié is.

This is bad posture in a plié:


 This is good posture in a plié:

We use good posture when we are in Laura's lessons when doing feet exercises.

Weekly I will do stretches to insure that my back is loose to then pull up and make my posture stronger.


Having control in a pirouette is crucial. It helps you get round and if you are not focussed then you will go all over the place when you turn.

First in a pirouette you need to engage you core and sustain this position when doing a full pirouette:

 You should find somewhere to spot so that when you go round, you can then land neatly and whip your head round.:


This is a bad Jazz pirouette position:

 As you can see I didn't engage my core, spot, focus or have good alignment to pull up through the body. It makes it harder to spin when your body is all over the place.

This is a good Jazz pirouette:

I engaged my core, focused and used good alignment. This made it easier to spin around and could possibly spin around more than once.

We use jazz pirouettes in Vicky's lesson from the corner in a pattern, so we have to use focus to get round quick enough.

Weekly I will use control when I am in my ballet lessons and tap lessons to then control my feet and upper body.

1 comment:

  1. You have identified your three targets, now explain how you are going to improve them weekly. continue to be reflective and suggest how you will ensure that you make improvements in these skills.
